AI, ML, Computer Vision
Server Migration and Maintenance
Development Services
Creative Services

The Gazzele app is undertaking pricing analysis with competitors in the FMCG sector, such as Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks, and Rite Aid, along with demand forecasting.

  • Analysis of large datasets, ranging from 50GB to sometimes exceeding 200GB, within minutes to derive insights and present them through various graphical charts with meaningful data points.
  • Fetching data from various databases and automatically integrating it into our database schema.
  • Creating a platform where marketing managers can independently create projects and workflows for conducting analysis models, receiving quick responses, and making informed decisions to enhance business ROI.

With our expertise at CodeNCreative, we've successfully tackled these challenges, providing Gazzele with comprehensive solutions to enhance their competitiveness and decision-making capabilities in the FMCG sector.

  1. Analyzing Extensive Datasets Efficiently:
    • Parallel Processing: Employed parallel processing techniques to distribute the workload across multiple processors, enabling faster analysis of large datasets.
    • Optimized Algorithms: Developed and optimized algorithms tailored to handle vast amounts of data efficiently, ensuring quick results without compromising accuracy.
    • Scalable Infrastructure: Implemented scalable infrastructure using cloud computing services to accommodate varying dataset sizes, allowing for seamless analysis even with datasets exceeding 200GB.
  2. Data Integration from Various Sources:
    • Automated Data Pipelines: Established automated data pipelines to fetch, transform, and load data from diverse databases into our centralized database schema seamlessly.
    • Standardized Data Formats: Ensured standardization of data formats across different sources to facilitate smooth integration and maintain data integrity throughout the process.
    • Real-Time Data Sync: Implemented real-time data synchronization mechanisms to ensure that the latest information from various sources is promptly available for analysis, enhancing the timeliness and accuracy of insights.
  3. User-Friendly Analysis Platform for Marketing Managers:
    • Intuitive User Interface: Designed an intuitive and user-friendly interface that empowers marketing managers to effortlessly create projects, define analysis models, and interpret results without extensive technical knowledge.
    • Customizable Workflows: Implemented customizable workflows that allow marketing managers to tailor analysis models according to their specific requirements, enabling them to derive actionable insights tailored to their business needs.
    • Interactive Visualizations: Integrated interactive chart representations into the platform to visualize insights effectively, making it easier for marketing managers to interpret data and make informed decisions to enhance ROI.

Additionally, we continue to work on this evolving project, continually enhancing it by adding more advanced analysis algorithms and further improving its capabilities. This application proves to be invaluable for FMCG sectors, providing marketing managers with actionable insights derived from product sales data, presented through intuitive chart representations, ultimately aiding in the optimization of ROI.

(011) 6138-1949
Mon - Fri 10:00 AM - 06:30 PM